Les médecins ont depuis longtemps recours à l’immunothérapie contre différentes maladies. Ce type de traitement repose sur l’administration de substances qui vont stimuler les défenses…
The future’s looking brighter for allergy sufferers, thanks to a new solution from DBV-Technologies!
Millions of pounds have been poured into research in developing treatments for the allergies that plague large sections of the world’s populations, especially in the West. One French company is currently working upon a remarkably simple solution that it thinks could hold the key to this modern-day... Lire la suite
Affected by allergies? Read on to hear about DBV-Technologies’ revolutionary solution.
There are few things that are more frightening for children or adults than the physical reaction brought on by an allergy. What’s more, the number of children suffering from allergies, especially peanut allergies, has grown almost exponentially in recent years, with the proportion of kids sufferin... Lire la suite